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Survivor Israel (Produkkode: suris1)

Survivor Israel
An overview of 1 Kings to Malachi
Author: Tania Schultz
Illustrator: Magriet Brink

Back-stabbing, broken alliances, lies and Immunity Idols! What can we teach children from God’s Word with Survivor as the theme? I also had my doubts, however after reading the books 1 and 2 Kings, 1 and 2 Chronicles, the basis for this series, I realised that it was the ideal theme! The twelve tribes of the United Kingdom, the division of the Kingdom between Judah and Israel as a result of idol worship, and the subsequent captivity to Babylon (Exile Island) is enough to show the present day Survivor contestants a thing or two! The stories of the people of God’s up-and-down experiences are, par excellence, a matter of Survivor: Heroes v. Villains. In between the long list of Israel and Judah’s disobedient kings, we discover heroes like Kings David, Jehoshaphat, Joash and Hezekiah, who through their obedience to God, chose to play a clean, honest game. We hear of the alliance between the prophet Nathan and King David’s wife Bathsheba. We come across a discouraged prophet Elijah who finds himself under a broom tree on Exile Island where he sent himself, and we hear about Jonah’s struggle for survival on his way to Nineveh. We get to know God as the God, who judges his people for their transgressions, but through his love and grace, saves a remnant through whom the Ultimate Sole Survivor, Jesus Christ, later was born.

Together with In the Spotlight, the forerunner to Survivor Israel, we come across more intrigues, challenges and over-comings in these 39 Bible books than all the Survivor contestants will experience in 39 days. 

Survivor Israel is a series where 9 to 13 year olds will discover the story of the Old Testament, from 1 Kings to Malachi, and will be challenged to become Soul Survivors in God’s kingdom.

Welcome to Survivor Israel: Overstep, Overthrow, Overcome!

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