Imibali echaza ibali - The colours tell a story
’n Reeks waarin kleure gebruik word om die evangelie aan kleuters oor te dra. • ’n Handleiding met 15 volledige programme. Elke program is in vyf weeksdae opgedeel. Dit is ideaal vir gebruik in ’n kleuterskool en kan ook as ‘n uurprogram by ’n weeklikse kleuterbyeenkoms aangebied word. Elke les is in Xhosa met die ooreenstemmende teks in Engels. • Hulpmiddelhandleiding met pragtige oorspronklike prente • CD met Xhosa en Engelse liedjies • Gekleurde, gelamineerde kartonsimbole wat die evangelie-waarhede verteenwoordig • Handskoen-hulpmiddel wat help om die temaliedjie aan te leer • Template vir die kleuters se aktiwiteite
“We are very exited about the book because it makes everything clear and understandable. It helped us to have a better understanding of the message of the Bible, of what happened many years ago before and after Jesus was born. The ideas are so useful because they integrate general things that are happening in our daily lives, so it’s easy for the children and teachers to use the book. It is written in a way that helps adults and children understand the Bible better. Through this book our children have grown in knowing God and how the Bible teaches us how to live our lives. They learnt about how special they are to God and how to talk to God. The songs, rhymes, activities and games in the book helped them to grow in various skills and have improved their language. The fact that the book is available in Xhosa is very good. Adults who do not understand English can now teach Xhosa speaking learners at school, in our churches and in groups in our communities about the importance of the Word of God.” Om ’n Xhosa-pakket te borg wat dan teen ’n verlaagde koste aan ’n kleuterskool beskikbaar gemaak sal word, kontak KidsXpress by 021 8528645 of Hierdie e-posadres word van Spambotte beskerm. Jy moet JavaScript ontsper om dit te lees..
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